There are two mechanisms for exporting teams, Export Teams Table and Teams List with Links. Here is what each does:
Export Teams Table - creates an html page that can be saved as a tab-delimited file
Teams List - creates an html page that can be saved and used on a league's website to link directly to teams' Team Page. This page is self-contained. If your league website is the main portal for league information, then you can give people an easy way to get to the Team Page.
The styles can be changed easily (for anyone familiar with style sheets) to conform with your league's website styles. For example, if you want to change the color for the alternating row color, which by default looks like:
This is the default color
to a light green, you can replace the trstyle2 background color from #F7E6C6 to #D7F6D6 so it now looks like this:
This is the new color