BRC (white) Bots (black or white) Cheetahs (cheetah print) Furnace Fingers (red) Goal Rush FC (yellow) Incrediballs FC (black) Jem & the Misfits (hot pink) Left Wing FC (white or teal) Los Plebes (white) Madvillainy (pink) Night Herons FC (white) Socceroos FC (red) Sparhawks (purple) Supersloths (teal) Tiny Tots FC (blue) Vaders (black)
BRC (white) Goal Rush FC (yellow) Los Plebes (white) Madvillainy (pink) Night Herons FC (white) Socceroos FC (red) Sparhawks FC (purple)
Bots (black or white) Cheetahs (cheetah print) Furnace Fingers (red) Incrediballs FC (black) Jem & the Misfits (hot pink) Left Wing FC (white or teal) Supersloths (teal) Tiny Tots FC (blue) Vaders (black)