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Title Name Phone Email
Coach BRIAN BANNISTER 916-290-3371

Game Schedule   * after a game's scores indicates results are tentative
Date Time Venue Opponent/Scores Comments Actions
Saturday, September 12, 2015 11:00 AM away at La Sierra Community Center #5 Carm DRAGONS: 3   La Sierra RED DEVILS (RED): 0
Saturday, September 19, 2015 9:00 AM home at La Sierra Community Center #4 Carm DRAGONS: 1   Carm RANGERS (GREEN/BLACK): 2
Saturday, September 26, 2015 9:00 AM away at Pokelma Park Carm DRAGONS: 3   NH-Antelope AVENGERS (RED/BLACK/WHITE): 3
Saturday, October 3, 2015 10:00 AM home at La Sierra Community Center #4 Carm DRAGONS: 3   Citrus Hghts EAGLES (PURPLE/WHITE/BLACK): 1
Saturday, October 10, 2015 1:00 PM away at Barrett Middle School U8 Carm DRAGONS: 1   Del Campo WILD ONES (YELLOW/BLUE): 0
Saturday, October 24, 2015 11:00 AM home at La Sierra Community Center #4 Carm DRAGONS: 2   Del Campo WILD ONES (YELLOW/BLUE): 1  *
Saturday, October 31, 2015 9:00 AM home at La Sierra Community Center #4 Carm DRAGONS: 2   NH-Antelope THE HIGHLANDERS (RED/BLACK/WHITE): 0  *
Saturday, November 7, 2015 12:00 PM home at La Sierra Community Center #4 Carm DRAGONS: 1   NH-Antelope AVENGERS (RED/BLACK/WHITE): 2  *
Saturday, November 14, 2015 11:00 AM away at Pokelma Park Carm DRAGONS: 2   NH-Antelope UNITED (RED/BLACK/WHITE): 0  *
Saturday, November 21, 2015 10:00 AM away at St. Johns Evangelist School Carm DRAGONS: 0   St. Johns HAPPY EAGLES (BLUE/WHITE): 1  *

Barrett Middle School U8

Barrett Middle School is located at 4243 Barrett Road in Carmichael. Barrett Road runs south from Winding Way between Manzanita Avenue and San Juan Avenue. The soccer fields are located on the west side of the school.

[ Yahoo! Maps ]
Map of 4243 Barrett Rd
Carmichael, CA 95608-2463


View Larger Map Barrett Middle School has gotten the attention of the County's Parking Enforcement officers. tickets are being issued for such things as parking between "No Parking Signs" and letting their right side tires ride up onto the "rolled curb" as well as parking in the red zone in the parking lot of Barrett School. Please be diligent as you park your vehicle.

La Sierra Community Center #4

The Community Center is located at 5325 Engle Rd in Carmichael. The soccer fields are located on the backside of the center on Gibbons Dr. Formerly La Sierra High School


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La Sierra Community Center #5

The Community Center is located at 5325 Engle Rd in Carmichael. The soccer fields are located on the backside of the center on Gibbons Dr. Formerly La Sierra High School.


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Pokelma Park

Pokelma Park, 8126 Quiet Knolls Drive, Antelope. Quiet Knolls Drive is off Elverta Road between Walerga and Watt. Quiet Knolls is much closer to Elverta than Watt.


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St. Johns Evangelist School

5701 Locust Ave., Carmichael. Located at corner of Locust & Hackberry. 1 block off of Manzanita south of Winding Way. The field is located behind the gym. Park in the main lot and walk through campus to the field.


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