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Schedule Practice Fields has a simple but powerful Practice Field Scheduling system. Teams can be assigned to practice slots based on field, time, and day(s) of the week. The Match Secretary and Field Coordinator can do the assignments. The Fields database contains the following information used in practice field scheduling:

1. Lights (Yes/No)
2. Permit Start Date
3. Permit End Date
4. Practice Field Comments

To Assign practice slots go to Practice Assignments from your User Home page. Check the fields you want to view and click on Display Assignments. To enter an assignment either click on a day of the week in a field assignments form (see Figure 1) or click on the link Add Practice Assignment in the Links Bar.

You can narrow the list of teams by using the Team Filters form. Note that you can check more than one day for a given slot. For example, if the Sharks practice from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then check each of those days.

Assignments will be displayed on the team schedule page. See Figure 2.

  Pele North   Permit Starts:  9/1/07 Permit Ends:  11/17/07 Lights: Yes
Comments:  Last team please lock nets in storage room. All teams must be off the field by 7:00 pm
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
      Click on day to enter assignment.    
No assignments found
Figure 1

Figure 2

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